a09c17d780 Oops, Sorry! 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Looks pretty but impossible to play with the awful controls. It's broken in its current state and should be removed from Steam until fixed. I wish I could have my money back.. I have windows 8 and i cant run the game properly. Every time i try to hit the down arrow key to select another class it wont let me and it will barely let me play at all. Can someone help?. This is one of the worst puzzle games I\u2019ve ever played. I don\u2019t even know where to start.So the object of the game is to wait for some colored dots to spawn, then click on a variety of stationary tools to get them to fly into receptor objects. Sometimes the dots will fly wildly all over the screen until you activate magnets to suck them up. Other times they will break or decay and need to re-spawn. Yet other times they don\u2019t respawn, so if you mess up the puzzle you need to start all over. There are a few good ideas, but what game doesn\u2019t have a few good ideas? Here, it\u2019s completely destroyed by a large number of issues:* Non-deterministic physics. When I first played the game, the introductory level told me to \u201cjust watch.\u201d Then physics glitched out and two particles collided when they should not have, breaking the level and leaving me staring at the screen until I realized I had to restart. Things didn\u2019t get much better from there.* Most of the puzzles don\u2019t involve planning, but having highly precise aim and timing. This is \u201cI know what I need to do, but it\u2019s taking me two hundred tries to do it: the game\u201d * Solved the puzzle? \u2013 Great, now you have to do it again. Four times. For some reason, clearing most stages requires you to repeat the exact same actions several times in a row, usually four times, sometimes more. All the while, the physics could glitch out at any time and require a restart.* The only texture in the game is the space background. White textureless models are hard on the eyes and make it difficult to distinguish between different objects.* Twitch-reaction solutions are very frustrating when they require quickly clicking on multiple tiny objects.* Camera controls are a joke; the camera and the game can\u2019t be controlled at the same time, and it resets at the beginning of every level.* The only music is a few 12-second ambient loops. Sounds are unremarkable. (The voice-overs for the tutorials were decent, though)* It is impossible to play this game in full-screen if you have multiple monitors, it will crash instantly. You need to edit a config file just to let it run.In short, this game is irritating, obtuse, unrewarding, glitchy, and visually awful. On the bright side, I got all of the achievements in under 5 hours\u2026 so if you\u2019re an achievement hunter, go for it, just don\u2019t expect to have much fun.. Short but a lot of fun. Humorous, cute, and painless (you can't die). 3rd-person isometric arcade with a hint of platforming. Secrets to find for those (like me) who like exploring. And it has a demo, so you can try before you buy.. Looking at my time played you would guess this is an awesome game. It really could be, but the poker engine is so flawed at it's core that I find myself playing terrible poker to compete with terrible AI. So much so that my RL game suffered.It's extremely addicting though, right up to the point where you just can't play it anymore without screaming in frustration. Good thing I got it on sale, as I'd be REALLY annoyed had I dropped 20 bucks on it.. Very entertaining little game from the guys at Penny Arcade.
Oops, Sorry! Download]
Updated: Mar 19, 2020